Lupin Human Welfare and Research Foundation – Comprehensive Awareness, Health Management, Comorbidities, Health Economic burden survey for IHD (CVDs), Hypertension, Diabetes, COPD, and Asthma in Alwar, Rajasthan, India

Lupin Human Welfare and Research Foundation (LHWRF), a corporate social responsibility initiative of Lupin Limited, concentrates on fostering sustainable livelihoods and catalyzing economic growth in underdeveloped districts of India. Specifically, under the Lives Programme, LHWRF is addressing public health concerns, focusing on Non-Communicable Diseases (NCDs) like Hypertension, Cardiovascular diseases (CVDs), Chronic Obstructive Pulmonary Disorder (COPD), […]

Lupin Human Welfare and Research Foundation – Health Landscape analysis – A Comprehensive Awareness, Health Management, Comorbidities, Health Economic burden survey for IHD (CVDs), Hypertension, Diabetes, COPD, and Asthma in Palghar, Maharashtra, India

Lupin Human Welfare and Research Foundation (LHWRF), a corporate social responsibility initiative of Lupin Limited, concentrates on fostering sustainable livelihoods and catalyzing economic growth in underdeveloped districts of India. Specifically, under the Lives Programme, LHWRF is addressing public health concerns, focusing on Non-Communicable Diseases (NCDs) like Hypertension, Cardiovascular diseases (CVDs), Chronic Obstructive Pulmonary Disorder (COPD), […]

Baseline Study for ‘Parent Coaching for the first 1000 days

The Aga Khan Foundation India, in partnership with the Bernard van Leer Foundation, is implementing a pilot programme on ‘Parent coaching for the first 1000 days’ which combines parent coaching and improved service delivery for childcare, health and nutrition for both the mother and the child. The design of the programme is aligned with the […]

Mixed method study to improve outcome of Mass Drug Administration in two districts of Uttar Pradesh that failed the Transmission Assessment Survey

PATH, a Washington based non-profit organization, aims to advance health equity through innovation and partnerships. Specifically, in relation to improving outcome of future transmission assessment surveys and community compliance for Mass Drug Administration (MDA) in 14 Lymphatic Filariasis (LF) endemic districts of Uttar Pradesh, PATH wishes to carry out The Coalition for Operational Research on […]

Assessing The Diagnostic Facilities In Primary Health Care Facilities In India

Primary healthcare is at the heart of Universal Health Coverage (UHC). While access to essential medicines is explicit in UHC, access to essential diagnostics has received little attention. In May 2018, WHO published the first Essential Diagnostics List (EDL), and declared its commitment to make diagnostic tests as important as essential medicines. The EDL offers […]

Study On “Effectiveness Of Peer Motivator Strategy For TB Patients In Telangana”

TB Alert India’s PRATAM (Pharmacist and rural healthcare provider TB activism) project was implemented in the state of Telangana. They were working closely with the community-based health providers to ensure they recognize the symptoms of TB. The study was commissioned by TB Alert India with the aim of mapping the effectiveness of peer motivator strategy […]

Landscape Analysis For USAID Funded THALI Project

Tuberculosis Health Action Learning Initiative (THALI) was a USAID funded project. It was being implemented in Kolkata to strengthen urban TB control. Especially amongst the urban slum dwellers with a focus on women and the girl child. THALI project was aimed to establish a holistic approach to TB control efforts & to catalyze a dynamic […]

Study On “Delay In Diagnosis Of TB Patients Under The BMGF Funded PPIA Intervention

The BMGF funded PPIA (Private Provider Interface Agency) project in Mumbai was set up by PATH as an innovative program focusing upon private service providers to connect a fragmented TB care system utilizing database call centre and outreach workers. Under the project the local first-line private providers are linked by field officers to a nearby […]