
Child Protection

Child Protection

Child Protection is a critical aspect that involves preventing and addressing exploitation, abuse, neglect, harmful practices, and violence against children, as outlined by UNICEF. Childhood is a developmental phase in


Gender Gender encompasses the study and advocacy for gender equality, recognizing that individuals should have equal opportunities, rights, and respect regardless of their gender. This field explores the dynamics of

Renewable Energy and Climate Change

Climate change is bringing about rising temperatures, which destabilizes the Earth’s temperature equilibrium and has far-reaching effects on life and the environment. One of the consequences of enhanced global temperatures

Public Health

Public Healths

Public Health is a major concern in the developing countries and organisations working in the developmental sector have been implementing programs to address this issue. Statistical information on key indicators


Nutrition, especially in neonatal and postnatal phase is recognized as a vital component in child development with a focus on life cycle approach. In order to provide effective intervention in



Water Sanitation and Hygiene are key indicators of development of any nation. Prevention of contamination of water, treatment distribution and handling of drinking water, new innovations in water conservation as


Livelihood remains a problem even today in our country and steps are taken to ensure livelihoods by the government and non-government agencies. Despite economic growth in India, poverty remains an


Education amongst youth and children has always been the focus of visionaries. The development of the nation is dependent on the early childhood development and high-quality education that in turn

Knowledge Management

Professional organisations need to manage their knowledge for it to be available to the right people at the right time. This promotes a culture of learning and knowledge sharing within

Event Alert

Beyond Profits

"Trends and the Untapped Potential of CSR in India"

18th September 2024 | Indian Habitat Centre, New Delhi

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