WHO-UNICEF JMP launched “Global Progress Report on WASH in Healthcare Facilities: Fundamentals First” last week. The report comes amidst of an unprecedented pandemic which has stripped off the inefficiencies of the health systems across the globe, exposed vulnerabilities to inadequate infection prevention and control and delay in designing country-specific and population-specific responses for spread of Covid-19.  WHO […]

My Experience At DevInsights – Shikha Rana

I started working at DevInsights in 2016, when it was just a fledgling organization. Being my second job and my introduction in Monitoring, Evaluation and Learning sector, this opportunity turned out to be the best stepping-stone that I could have had. Working in a small close-knit team, I was exposed to and learned each and […]

The Unheard Pandemic

December 2019, the world has been hit by the worst pandemic which not only took a toll on the lives of many, but also on the economies of different countries. On one hand the pandemic was considered to be a bane for the corporates, the growing economic and world confluences and on the other hand […]

Will Covid -19 Exacerbate Child Labour Situation In India?

Incidence of child labour (5-14 years) as reported in Census 2011 witnessed significant reduction as compared to 2001. Reduction in the incidence of child labour is indeed a good news, but seeing more than four million children working in India is quite disheartening.  Child labour is a human rights issue. When a child is employed, she/he is less […]

Is It Really Nature’s Comeback?

In the past few weeks, with all the media coverage concentrated on COVID, there have been umpteen number of reports heaving a sigh of relief or gushing on the apparent positive impacts of the lockdown measures on the environment. Photographs of unpolluted rivers and clear skies are doing rounds on social media. People are looking […]

How SHGs Are Empowering The Rural Women Of Chhattisgarh

Financial Inclusion is one of the major challenge currently faced by the rural people. About 1/3rd of the people in India have no access to financial services, especially in the rural areas. It adversely affects the rural economy, and is one of the key reasons for the community’s backwardness. Research shows that countries with deeper levels […]

Five Years Of DI (04-12-2019)

It feels awesome to enter into the fifth year of our formation after completing a very challenging but an extremely satisfying four splendid years! We continue to operate like a start-up. We continue to learn new things in the business, we continue to contribute towards making the world a better place to live. We continue […]

Is Modern Life Making Us More Susceptible To Stress?

Stress, as defined in technical terms, refers to any circumstances that threaten or are perceived to threaten one’s well-being and thereby tax one’s coping abilities. Stress majorly influences our lives in the form of hampering our ability to take efficient decisions by sapping our mental energy, creating mental blocks, and in case efforts are not […]

Event Alert

Beyond Profits

"Trends and the Untapped Potential of CSR in India"

18th September 2024 | Indian Habitat Centre, New Delhi

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