Baseline Study Of Water Units In Karnataka

Jaldhara Foundation with support from Tata Trusts was setting up 200 water purification units, ensuring access to safe drinking water at an affordable price to the underserved communities of urban slums in Northern Karnataka districts.
DevInsights carried out the baseline study across the 9 districts of north Karnataka for the planned impact evaluation with the overall objective of “to estimate the baseline values of project log frame indicator”. DevInsights also helped the project team to develop the Theory of Change (ToC) as well as calculating the projected Social Return on Investment (SROI). The baseline assessment broadly focused on the assessment of the current status of the community along certain key indicators including Water, Sanitation and Hygiene practices on which intervention performance would be evaluated at the end-line. The study used a cross-sectional mixed method design covering 1050 households, 70 Key Informant Interviews, 10 FGDs and 10 Dream Mapping (PRA) exercises.

Jaldhara Foundation

Northern Karnataka
March 2016-April2016

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