RTA’s: Emergence And Evolution- Brief Insight

Definitions With the advent of liberalization and globalization, the world has transformed into one big giant piece of land. With dissemination of knowledge, resources, and human labor across the globe, integration of the countries via terms of trade was inevitable. But the national boundaries seem to keep this transformation into check through trade restrictions, import […]

Opportunities For Girl’s Education In A Tribal Land: A Revisit To My School Days

Recently I got an opportunity to visit Jharkhand, which made me nostalgic of my school days. The state is known for its exclusive reservoir of mineral resources, picturesque landscape and of course home to a high concentration of tribal population. Though industrialization started in this area even before independence and contributed to the economy of […]

Starting conversations on Female Genital Mutilation

Here are some statements for you, which ones did you think these were true? FGM is a religious obligation. NO, IT IS NOT. FGM performed by a professional health care provider does not risk harm. YES, IT DOES. FGM can improve fertility. NO, IT CAN NOT. FGM is a violation of human rights. YES, IT […]


Yuvraj Singh, Lance Armstrong, Lisa Ray, Hugh Jackman, Angelina Jolie do not just share the status of being global celebrities but are also cancer survivors that have defeated the disease and are working towards helping others fight it. February 4th has been marked as the World Cancer Day and here are just few snippets from our side to […]

DevInsights completed three years of an exciting journey

It’s the joy of the journey that matters most…. DevInsights completed three years of an exciting journey yesterday (3rd December 2018) and hops into the fourth year today. In the last three years, with a modest team and very limited resources, DevInsights has been able to position itself as one of the leading Monitoring and […]

Using The Log Where It Does Not

Econometrical analysis is heart of any economic research. It won’t be fare if I do not give a glimpse about Econometrics; basically, econometrics is a special form of statistical analysis completely dedicated to the growth of economic research and in some cases it is distinguishable from standard statistical mathematics. The regime of econometrics is vast […]

Reflections – Two years of DevInsights

The morning walk today did not seem to be as usual, not too many people were walking in the park today. Sunday anyways don’t witness a lot of people, that’s the day when people tend to break the routine and relax. For me however, the day was pretty delightful, filled with loads of enthusiasm and […]

Sarvodaya through Antyodaya

I recently visited a small village in Puspatirega. The village is known for it’s panoramic views of boxed houses & roads. Vizianagram, of which Puspatirega is a small part, is a historically renowned town. Tenali Ramakrishna, famously known as “Tenali ram” lived here under the patronage of King Krishnadev Raya. Tenali Ram was known for […]

Urban Poor and their Health Challenges

Once upon a time, in a sprawling metropolis – a liftman (resident of a slum) had severe cough from weeks and went on taking medicines from local doctors or quacks. Scared of losing his job, he didn’t tell about it to anyone. As he was on medication under local doctor without proper diagnosis, his undiagnosed […]

District Level Development of Jharkhand

According to the 2011 Census, the population of Jharkhand was 33 million, which is 2.7 per cent of the total population of the country.  The states fares relatively better on some of the social development indicators as compared to other states, but for most of the other indicators it’s significantly lagging. While Jharkhand’s sex ratio […]

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Beyond Profits

"Trends and the Untapped Potential of CSR in India"

18th September 2024 | Indian Habitat Centre, New Delhi

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