Mid Term Review Of Swallows India Bangladesh Programme (Phase II)

October 11, 2024
4 min

Svalorna Indien Bangladesh

India – Odisha, Tamil Nadu, Telangana, Karnataka Bangladesh: Netrakona, Dhaka, Jhenaidah Manikganj, Mymensingh,Shariatpur

November 2019-March 2020

Swallows India Bangladesh programme has been going on since 2014. This assignment was commissioned as the mid-term evaluation of the second phase of swallow’s project (2020). Project locations across India & Bangladesh were covered under this assignment. The study design was cross-sectional with mixed method approach, where in the assessment of the country programme was done following the DAC criteria. In India, DevInsights covered five implementing partners who were working on thematic areas like women empowerment, dalit rights and livelihood and food sovereignty. Similarly five partners in Bangladesh were also assessed for the programme implementation across thematic areas like farmer’s rights, women empowerment &climate change. In India, states of Karnataka, Tamila Nadu, and Telangana & Odisha were covered. Similarly in Bangladesh, Netrakona, Dhaka, Jhenaidah Manikganj, Mymensingh, Shariatpur districts were coverd to assess the work of respective partners. During the data collection process IDI, FGD & Structured interviews were conducted across the project geographies. Apart from target beneficiaries the study team carried out in depth interviews with the leadership team of India & Bangladesh as well as project staffs of respective implementing partners.