Baseline Study For CSR Intervention In Pune And Chennai On Livelihood, Disability And Cyber Security

October 11, 2024
4 min

Charities Aids Foundation, India

Pune (Maharashtra) & Chennai (Tamil Nadu)

February 2017-April 2017

This study was commissioned by Charities Aid Foundation (CAF) for one of their partners to present the existing status of the project indicators and population against which the project could be planned and evaluated at a later stage. The intervention planned by CAF was aimed towards supporting people with disabilities, urban poor women with skill building and training for employment, income and livelihoods via capacity building, and on creating awareness on online safety and cyber security amongst the students, parents and educators. The program was planned to be implemented in the cities of Pune and Chennai.

DevInsights conducted the baseline assessment utilizing a pre-post cross sectional study design (treatment only) following a mixed methods approach, including primary and secondary research components. The tools that were utilised included structured interview schedules (survey questionnaires) for three categories of stakeholders, key informant interviews and focus group discussions, to effectively capture insights and add to the heretofore comparatively inadequate knowledge base.