Assessing The Diagnostic Facilities In Primary Health Care Facilities In India

October 10, 2024
4 min
McGill University Health Centre

Haryana, Uttar Pradesh, Gujarat, Karnataka, Bihar & Sikkim.

June 2019-ongoing

Primary healthcare is at the heart of Universal Health Coverage (UHC). While access to essential medicines is explicit in UHC, access to essential diagnostics has received little attention. In May 2018, WHO published the first Essential Diagnostics List (EDL), and declared its commitment to make diagnostic tests as important as essential medicines. The EDL offers countries a benchmark to measure and improve diagnostic services. MUHC in partnership with DevInsights, is evaluating the access to essential tests in India using the WHO and India EDL at the primary health care centres across the states of Haryana, Uttar Pradesh, Gujarat, Karnataka, Bihar & Sikkim. One district across the project state is being covered wherein in all the PHCs are assessed on the EDL parameters.