Concurrent evaluation for Breakthrough’s Adolescent Program in select site in Haryana Commissioned by Breakthrough Trust

The study was commissioned by Breakthrough Trust (BT) that started working with the adolescents through an Adolescent Empowerment Program in 2012 with the aim to make aware and shape the gender attitudes and behaviours of adolescents who are at a life stage when their views are still malleable.

The objective of the concurrent study was to assess the Knowledge, Attitude and Practice (KAP) of adolescents in the age group of 11-18 years and other community stakeholders on gender norms and practices.

As part of the study, DevInsights carried out a cross-sectional mixed method approach. Under this, structured questionnaires were administered to a total sample of 1200 adolescents in the age group of 11-18 years. A mixed method approach was adopted using both qualitative and quantitative techniques. The quantitative data collected were triangulated with qualitative findings from FGDs conducted across group of mothers, youth and adolescents of the particular age group along with the IDIs of teachers, Front-line workers and PRI members.

Client: – Breakthrough Trust (BT)

State Covered: Panipat, Sonipat, Gurugram, Karnal, Rohtak, Jhajjar – Haryana

Duration:- June 2023-August 2023

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Beyond Profits

"Trends and the Untapped Potential of CSR in India"

18th September 2024 | Indian Habitat Centre, New Delhi

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