Study On “Delay In Diagnosis Of TB Patients Under The BMGF Funded PPIA Intervention

The BMGF funded PPIA (Private Provider Interface Agency) project in Mumbai was set up by PATH as an innovative program focusing upon private service providers to connect a fragmented TB care system utilizing database call centre and outreach workers. Under the project the local first-line private providers are linked by field officers to a nearby x-ray and sputum-testing facilities through vouchers, which the providers can give to patients for free or subsidized TB diagnostics.
DevInsights conducted a cross sectional study to provide an estimate of the existing diagnostic delay amongst the PPIA TB patients in the city of Mumbai. The study covered 287 TB patients across 12 wards of Mumbai. Data collected through semi structured interviews was analyzed to establish the demographic status of the patients, their treatment history and details, and the diagnostic delay in their cases, in terms of times between onsets of symptoms to first service provider, to diagnosis and the diagnostic delay after registration in the PPIA network.


Mumbai, Maharashtra

June 2016 – August 2016

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